Judgment will Begin in the House of God

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For the time has come that judgment must begin at the house of God:

and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? 1 Peter 4:17

 1 Peter 4:17 explains about the judgment that begins at the household of God.

In this chapter Peter is exhorting the church, the house of God – which was facing persecution, to persevere.

The believers were also struggling to separate from the former worldly sins that had once enslaved them (verses 1–4).

Doom and gloom has never been one of my forte but, 2024 is one of those years were Judgement is truly coming to the House of God and there will be no escape for wickedness.

An expose like never before is coming and this is just the beginning.

2 Kings 20 In those days Hezekiah became ill and was at the point of death.

The prophet Isaiah son of Amoz went to him and said, “This is what the LORD says: Put your house in order, because you are going to die; you will not recover.”

For the many, judgement is a topic they hate and prefer to avoid. Unfortunately, getting ones house in order is the special on the day.

Why? the simple response is because for many, time is up and Judgement has already come.

For a very long time, many within the body of Christ have put on a façade, hiding behind emotional masks of sorts.

They have displayed a form of godliness but denied the power of God. (2 Timothy 3:5) This is not the year to be loyal to wickedness, stay away from such people.

As you walk with God in this year and beyond, keep your eyes and ears open. The Day of the Lord is coming and it will come like a thief in the night.

Most importantly, you must understand that in these last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires but don’t allow them to lead you astray.

The Bible in 2 Peter 3:4 says many will say;

“Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.”

Do you know what’s even more scary?

It is when the people saying these type of statements are people who call themselves Christian.

Be careful of these type of “Christi-ans” and surround yourself with “Christ – i- ans”, trust me there is a difference between the two.

Brothers and sisters remain steadfast and rooted in Christ that you are not found wanting.

If you remember the story of Daniel, where a mysterious hand appeared and wrote on the wall, “Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin,”

Daniel read the words and interpreted them for the king saying:

God has numbered the days of your kingdom and brought it to an end. You have been weighed and found wanting;

Your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians.

Take heed of these words today, the scales are being weighed in the kingdom and you will see some will finish well, but many will fall away.

When you reference the bible you will be shocked by the many stories of people who one minute confess their belief in God and then quickly turning to an idol or to their own way. 

How badly it must break the Fathers heart.

God desires for everyone “to be saved and come to a knowledge of truth” (1 Timothy 2:4) It is not His will to see anyone perishing.

Everyone will at some point stand before Him and give account before judgement is passed (2 Corinthians 5:10)

It is our innocence that He would prefer to hear declared, not our guilt:

“For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

As the Bible says, “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16).


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